Player Info

User: kub
Class: shaman
Gender: Unknown
Admin?: No
Level: 91
Next level: 74 days, 08:03:34
Status: Online
Host: Unknown
Account Created: Fri Jul 16 15:08:43 2021
Last login: Tue Jun 25 07:21:16 2024
Total time idled: 1017 days, 06:15:23
Current position: [111,344]
Alignment: Good
XML: [link]



amulet: 46
boots: 55
charm: 163h
gloves: 78
helm: 80
leggings: 71
ring: 59
shield: 56
tunic: 30
weapon: 33

sum: 671


kick: None
logout: None
mesg: 2 days, 04:48:32
nick: None
part: None
quest: 1759 days, 02:15:53
quit: 14 days, 20:37:50

total: 1776 days, 03:42:15

Recent Character Modifiers

[09/15/24 02:01:24] kub, LeftShoe, ngora, and dirmaster0 have enriched the realm by completing their quest! 25% of their burden is eliminated.
[09/15/24 04:29:14] ngora, techDarko, and kub [1007/3047] have team battled k, dclaw, and ctrl-c [2858/3393] and lost! 0 days, 03:12:52 is added to their clocks.
[09/16/24 01:46:11] techDarko [359/1245] has challenged kub [338/738] and battered them in combat! 15 days, 10:33:38 is removed from techDarko's clock.
[09/16/24 01:52:03] ctrl-c [250/742] has challenged kub [520/738] but is defeated in combat! 7 days, 09:29:40 is added to ctrl-c's clock.
[09/16/24 07:52:03] tinyredlantern [733/1075] has challenged kub [20/738] and defeated them in combat! 9 days, 10:00:02 is removed from tinyredlantern's clock.

[View all Character Modifiers (5297)]