Player Info

User: morb
Class: Lich
Gender: Unknown
Admin?: No
Level: 98
Next level: 108 days, 18:12:53
Status: Online
Host: Unknown
Account Created: Thu Aug 12 09:25:41 2021
Last login: Mon Oct 16 13:09:14 2023
Total time idled: 1104 days, 06:43:38
Current position: [410,285]
Alignment: Evil
XML: [link]



amulet: 91
boots: 278 [Magical Boots of Swiftness]
charm: 194 [Storm Magic Charm]
gloves: 79
helm: 67
leggings: 47
ring: 72 [Glorious Ring of Sparkliness]
shield: 57
tunic: 104 [Protectorate Plate Mail]
weapon: 297 [Cluehammer of Doom]

sum: 1286


kick: None
logout: None
mesg: None
nick: 14 days, 03:01:50
part: None
quest: 1827 days, 01:10:45
quit: 17 days, 11:07:55

total: 1858 days, 15:20:30

Recent Character Modifiers

[09/15/24 13:20:18] morb suffered from very brown electricity. This terrible calamity has slowed them 3 days, 08:30:59 from level 99.
[09/16/24 05:52:04] morb [748/1157] has challenged RDNt [4/1057] and crushed them in combat! 5 days, 01:40:52 is removed from morb's clock.
[09/16/24 08:14:56] k, morb, and techDarko [3440/3818] have team battled Anna, dclaw, and ngora [1628/4034] and won! 0 days, 20:03:59 is removed from their clocks.
[09/16/24 13:52:04] morb [267/1157] has challenged Flier [1105/1175] but is crushed in combat! 13 days, 08:48:08 is added to morb's clock.
[09/16/24 15:52:03] Flier [54/1175] has challenged morb [668/1157] but is defeated in combat! 11 days, 09:06:25 is added to Flier's clock.

[View all Character Modifiers (5759)]